MeshTrec filtercartridge for fuel gas application / Ø66x250 / multi layer pleated mesh / 2 micron / monel / SOE-FOTI

FlowBox-AF filterhousing for air intake application / 1900x1900x 800 / stainless steel 304L / 2 stage / UniCell F9

High Flow PLA filtercartridge for glycol application on platform / Ø6” x 20”/ Pp pleated mico fibre / 2-stage / 20- 10 micron / SOE-FITO

Ecocell pulse jet cleaning filterhousing for welding fumes / 1200 x 1200 x 3000 / carbon steel coated / 2 stage / UniDust ptfe + HEPA 13

MeshTrec filtercartridge for oil application / single layer pleated mesh /25 micron / Alu / SOE-FOTI ( retrofit due to production stop original manufacturer)

VersaTrec filtercartridge for selfcleaning seawater application / Ø315 x 1410mm / single layer mesh / 80 micron / super duplex stainless steel / DOE-FITO

FlowCore-GF filterhousing for fuel gas application with QOC / Ø16” / 300# / carbon steel coated / FelTrec filtercartridges pleated 10 micron

FlowBox-AF filterhousing in-line for process air application / 430x430x850 / stainless steel 304L / HEPA 13

MudBox-LFBS strainer low pressure for water application / Ø10”/ PN8 / stainless steel 316L / PerfoTrec basket 3mm / SOE-FITO

FelTrec filtercartridge in production for fuel gas application / Ø115 x 500 / sintered multi layer pleated random fibre / 5 micron / stainless steel 316L / SOE-FOTI

Coalescer Cassetttes/Cells for air intake mist elimination of mist droplets size 24”x 20”x 3” in stainless steel casing

FelTrec filtercartridge for fuel gas application / Ø115x500 / sintered multi layer pleated random fibre / 3 micron / stainless steel 316L / SOE-FOTI

BasTrec filterbasket for water application / Ø317x650 / single layer mesh / 315 micron / stainless steel 304L / SOE-FITO

UniGas G filtercartridge for gas application / cellulose reinforced and hydrophobic pleated media / 0,3 micron / DOE-FOTI

FlowCore-LFC filterhousing for MEG application / Ø18”/ 150# / stainless steel 316L / norsok / HighFlow cartridge 1 micron

BasTrec filterbasket for water application / Ø231 x 669 / sintered multi layer mesh / 10 micron / stainless steel 316L / SOE-FITO

HighTrec replacement for HIghFlow cartridge seawater application / Ø6” x 40”/ super duplex stainless steel / wedge wire / 100 micron / SOE-FITO

MeshTrec filterbasket for fuel gas application / Ø270x720 / multi layer pleated mesh / 250 micron / stainless steel 316L / SOE-FITO

MeshTrec filtercartridge for caustic water application / Ø143 x 1000 / single layer pleated mesh / 500 micron / stainless steel 316L / SOE-FITO

VersaTrec filtercartridge for selfcleaning seawater application / Ø400 x 1410 / sintered multi layer mesh / 10 micron / duplex stainless steel / DOE-FITO

BasTrec filter basket internals 12” and 24” for mudbox filterhousings fully monel 400 and with pleated mesh 50

FlowCore-GF filterhousing for gas application / Ø16” / 300# / carbon steel coated / UniGas G filtercartridges 0,3 micron

SinTrec filtercartridge for water application / Ø80 x 395 / sintered powder / 2 micron / stainless steel 316L / SOE-FOTI

SANIDUST pulse jet cleaning filterhousing custom designed for food industry / Ø800 x 2200 / stainless steel 316L / UniDust

FlowBox-AF filterhousing for process air intake application / 700x700x1200 / stainless steel 304L, Alu / 2 stage / HEPA 13

FlowCore-GF filterhousing for process gas application / Ø1200 x 2276 / stainless steel 316L / 2x HEPA 13 V-cell

BasTrec filterbasket for water application / Ø280x600 / single layer pleated mesh / 200 micron / stainless steel 316L / SOE-FITO

MeshTrec filterbasket for seawater application / Ø270 x 540 / multi layer pleated mesh / 140 micron / duplex stainless steel / SOE-FITO

FelTrec filtercartridge for fuel gas application / Ø250 x 500 / sintered multi layer pleated random fibre / 15 micron / stainless steel 316L / DOE-FOTI

FlowCore-G filterhousing for fuel gas application / Ø12” / 600# / stainless steel 316L / FelTrec filtercartridges pleated 10 micron

Cartridge Mounting Assembly CMA – High Flow CAN (3M/CUNO)
21 pieces for 60” cartridges inclding the adaptors in threaded execution with bayonet nut in stainless steel 316L
VersaTrec filtercartridge for selfcleaning seawater application Ø400 x 1410 / sintered multi layer mesh / 10 micron / SDSS – super duplex stainless steel / DOE-FITO also showing lifting tool for installation